When a wrong must be made right, the first thought is an attorney - what many don’t realize is that they don’t need an attorney for many civil matters. That’s right! Cases from divorces to personal injuries to business matters can be settled outside the courtroom - it’s so common and effective that experienced attorneys use it regularly (Texas Law Help). Both personal and professional issues benefit from Alternative Dispute Resolution, resulting in a more efficient, less costly, and more satisfying process (Texas Statutes). So why go the roundabout way, through expensive attorneys, opposing counsel, and the costly courts, when you can save time and money by going directly to ADR instead? Mosaic offers a range of ADR services, allowing clients to choose the best process to fit their needs. Solution Smarter with Mosaic.
Conflict Analysis, Strategy & Advising
Whether the situation is just beginning or it feels too far gone, having a professional examine it will make for decisions that better achieve your desired outcomes whether it’s happening at work or in the family. Not sure what you want? That’s okay! Learn about what options you may have by scheduling a free consultation before emotions overtake the situation. |
Common Scenarios
Did you know that when faced with the threats of conflict, higher-order functions of the brain are diminished, inhibiting better behavior and favorable outcomes? Mediators help overcome this hurdle and other impasses by working to include all sides in collaborative dialogue to forge lasting solutions. In as little as a day, you can see the solution that seemed impossible!
Common Scenarios
Facilitation (Small & Large Group)
If you’ve ever lost your train of thought in discussion or wished there was someone taking notes and bringing up forgotten topics, then you probably wanted a facilitator and didn’t know it. Balancing the outspoken with the timid voices, bravely bringing up that avoided topic, and so much more, facilitators structure and guide the conversation while you and your people get to focus on decision-making. Whether you want meetings to go smoother or need consensus building to finalize decisions, Mosaic can deliver. |
Common Scenarios
Negotiation Strategy
Still negotiating like the 1800's, where you go high and they go low, testing who's most stubborn? Ready to apply the knowledge and data of the 21st century? Now you can. With specialized training and knowledge of cutting-edge practices that have been applied (successfully) in deals from business mergers to peace treaties between nations, Mosaic's techniques go beyond brute force and pressure. Discerning what matters from what doesn't, where interests overlap, and so much more, Mosaic can create strategies to achieve far more than mere compromises. |
Common Scenarios
Negotiation Coaching
Want to finally get to yes? Need a deal but don't want to damage a relationship? Tired of giving in before your needs are truly met? Mosaic offers one-on-one personalized coaching to grow your skills and capacities, making you a better negotiator - for life. Perfect for those that don't just want a one-and-done deal now, coaching services focus on your goals and channel your growth exercises towards them. Play the long game with coaching. |
Common Scenarios
Negotiation Strategy & Coaching
See the value of growing your skills with coaching, but still want the assurance of a professional backing you up? Of course - why not do both? Establishing robust pathways forward, Mosaic can keep the endgame in sight while creating a challenging (but safe) environment for you to make no-cost mistakes, honing your skills and ultimately achieving your real-world goals. |
Common Scenarios
Negotiation Advocacy
The deal needs settling, but you don’t have the time or energy to invest in strategy or coaching to handle it yourself - Mosaic can negotiate private matters on your behalf, leaving you to focus on what matters while a professional protects you and your interests. Retain your voice in the matter and get progress updates while enjoying insulation from the fuss. |
Common Scenarios
Conflict Management Trainings & Workshops
In a CPP Global Human Capital Report, nearly all (95%) who were trained in conflict management reported that it helped not only themselves but the others around them. Yet, the majority of those surveyed (60%) were never trained at all (CPP inc., 2008). So why do so many employers choose to wait until the problem escalates to hire help, costing them more in the long run? Mosaic’s consultants have given dozens of training sessions, workshops, and presentations, so they are familiar with presenting the latest research insights to drive practical change in any organization. |
Common Scenarios
Our Happy Customers Speak

Community College Advisor, Youth Support Specialist
"I was continuously impressed in the way he taught and shared his knowledge with me. He was always professional, respectful, understanding and patient with me."

Interior Design Graduate, UTSA.
"Alec was such a great help to me
in my preparation for a job
search. He took the time to really
work with me on my tight
schedule and create a concise
plan to improve all my

Lorenzo M.
Culinary Entrepreneur
"Recently sat down with Alec to
present an idea that had been in
the brewing stage for a while,
and talking with him helped me
see incredible business
potential and make the vision a
lot more clear."