On behalf of the Public Disputes & Consensus Building Committee of the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution, it’s my pleasure to present the first issue of the Digest. This quarterly publication brings readers a free collection of multimedia conflict resolution content on the matters of interest to the committee, its membership, and anyone interested in managing public disputes constructively!
With strong guidance from co-chair Terry Amsler and input from co-chair Loraine Della Porta and vice-chair Tina Patterson, I led the project of envisioning and creating the Digest, offering a wide overview of recent content that will help readers stay in the know. As with every issue, the committee will present diverse media including written, audio and video. Great content, all in one place, all related to the committee’s focus on Public Disputes and Consensus Building.
I want to acknowledge the work of previous committee fellow Tom O’Keefe, president of Mercosur Consulting Group, Ltd., for his work on the committee, focused on creating and sharing committee member profiles, which give readers a deep dive into who our committee members are in and out of the ABA! Tom’s work has been featured in this Digest – thank you Tom!
Please feel free to distribute widely, either by sharing a direct link to this website, or by downloading and circulating as you see fit.
We welcome your input; chime in on the discussion with your input and feedback, as well as suggestions for future content! See the final page of the Digest for a hyperlink to the suggestions form, or click here.
Happy reading!
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