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Read our latest blog posts to discover the latest research, tips, and advice to improve your workplace culture and resolve workplace conflicts more quickly.

Public Disputes & Consensus Building Digest, Vol. 2, Issue 1

It’s with great pride and joy that I present the latest issue of the Public Disputes & Consensus Building Committee Digest, a publication supported by the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution. This issue marks the second volume, having wrapped up the first volume in 2023. Our readers consist of scholars, practitioners, attorneys, mediators,…

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December Conference: American Bar’s Mediation Institute

This year’s mediation and advocacy institute has an impressive line up, including Ken Cloke! If you haven’t registered, I highly encourage you to consider it.

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Keynote Presentation: Managing Conflict in Real Estate Cases

It was my pleasure and honor to present on my conflict resolution framework “Moral Generosity” to over 100 agents at Century 21’s annual retreat.

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Fox News Lawsuits Supported by Conflict Resolution Research Findings

At the heart of my published research, I ask the question, if we change the news that we watch and the hardened opinions about issues and others, could it provide a way beyond our political divides and move us toward finding cooperative solutions?

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